THESE are some of the reasons why I believe we’d be better off out of the EU: It costs us £8 billion net annually to feather-bed their fat cats.

It is corrupt; auditors have failed to sign off their accounts for 19 years.

It is criminally wasteful; the HQ of the EU and huge numbers of staff are moved to Strasbourg and back for four days each month just to appease the French.

This costs £200 million annually in transport costs, accommodation etc and because both buildings have to be fully maintained even when they are empty.

The EU has decimated most of our fishing industry and given our fishing grounds to the Spaniards, who dump thousands of tonnes of dead fish into the sea due to EU rules.

How does this protect the fish stocks?

We have no influence inside the EU.

We have voted against their measures on 72 occasions and lost every single one.

The EU holds us in contempt.

Remember how they laughed at Cameron’s feeble attempts at negotiating and offered him virtually nothing.

They force prices up, by imposing tariffs on goods from the wider world.

I remember how the cost of living escalated when we joined.

They try to scare us that prices will rise if we leave, but even if that were true, wouldn’t it be worth it for our country to decide which laws and policies are in the best interests of the UK?

We are betraying our forefathers whose sacrifices prevented the French and Germans from ruling Europe, but who have now taken control of the EU.

If we vote to remain, the EU will be able to penalise us at every juncture without any fear of reprisals.

We can be certain that anything which Blair, Balls, Brown, Cable, Cameron, Clegg, Corbyn, Kinnock, Livingstone, Milliband, Osborne, Sturgeon, and a predictable list of smug luvvies all support, has to be wrong!

Many of these have a vested interest in the EU, either in cushy jobs, lucrative pensions, or a plentiful supply of cheap labour.

The bureaucratic, bullying USSR eventually collapsed and the Soviet EU is starting to fall apart.

It will take us down with it, if we are still shackled to its corpse.

We are one of the most fined countries in the EU, despite most of the other countries only abiding by the rules that suit them.

David Cameron and George Osborne deserve to be punished for wasting millions in taxpayers’ money with their own disgraceful “dodgy dossier”

of propaganda to peddle lies, halftruths and lurid scare stories to achieve their goals.

Vote them, and us, out.

Brian Rushton Stourport