POLITICIANS across the country have let us all down. Not only have they been greedy, they have also failed to listen to us.

They still do not understand how angry we are. They promise us everything but later say it can’t be done and just give up.

Seventy-two per cent of our laws are made in the EU not Westminster.

What right do the politicians think they have to give our country away without us being asked first?

Your vote for UKIP sends a clear message that you want your say on the issue of our EU membership.

Staying in the EU is NOT the answer; we must not suppose that decisions made by the EU do not affect us locally.

For Instance, post offices closed, Home Information Packs (HIPS), ban on traditional light bulbs, all forced on us by the EU.

Let us decide how we run our own country and trade freely with the world. We can restore manufacturing, create jobs and make our own laws.

Let’s decide for ourselves what’s needed and give this country back its ambition and free thinking and independence.

We must not listen to the Jeremiahs who say withdrawal from the EU would mean they would cease to trade with us. It would be beyond belief to suppose that Germany would not want to continue selling us cars or washing machines, Italy their fashions and pasta, France its wine and cheese – the list goes on.

They sell far more to us than we buy from them, and so would have more to lose. We would negotiate trade agreements with them like other countries not in the EU, so we would effectively end up with a free trade area, which is what we thought we voted for in the first place.

Vote UKIP, get the common sense approach to work, education, crime and immigration, with policies that you thought the Conservatives used to stand for – zero tolerance on crime, low taxes, a hands-off government with you in charge, plus the bonus upon withdrawal from the EU, an extra £45 million per day to spend as we please.

What’s on offer from the other parties is more of the same. Your vote does make a difference so vote for me Michael Wrench on May 6 and together with common sense and straight talking we can restore our country to its former glory.