A letter in last weeks Shuttle (16th April) draws attention to the bad state of many of our local roads,the A449 being one case in point. It seems as if the Conservatives at County Hall have given up repairing the roads! The dangerous state of many surfaces (reported frequently by members of the public) is of major concern. The Labour Government is providing £100 million of extra money for English Councils to repair the roads. And local Councils had more money from Government towards the cost of all service provision. The Conservatives control all 7 Councils in Worcestershire.Why isn't the money being spent? We require a Road Repair Programme for Wyre Forest to be published. The impression given is that Conservatives at County Hall are out of touch and the Road Repair Programme is not a priority at this time -the beginning the new financial year. The public has a right to know when the Conservative County Council is going to properly address this issue!!