We all know the economy is in a big mess. This seems to be the classic trademark of all failed Labour governments, ending with a weak pound and billions in debt.

So far, the government’s solution to our debt situation is to borrow more money. We can’t sell any gold to help, because as we all know Gordon Brown sold most of that off on the cheap and we have nothing to show for it. This alone has cost UK taxpayers an estimated £7 billion.

Taxpayers’ money was used to bail out the banks which cost us billions. The banks reply to this was to say sorry and then still award bonuses.

The three failed pro-EU parties are being dishonest about the effect of EU regulation on the UK economy, which according to Open Europe (an independent think tank), states the cost to the UK economy has been £124 billion since 1998.

The three failed parties’ big debate centres on the one per cent national insurance increase for employers. How does this help the economy? No wonder we are in a mess.

I say abolish employers’ National Insurance altogether over a five-year period, so they can invest this saving into the business.

This will create a more productive economy and provide more jobs without this additional tax burden hanging over them. Cut Corporation Tax, making it easier to start a business.

So much of our hard- earned money seems to get wasted on silly projects like ID cards, NHS IT project, quangos, Child Support agency and the endless bureaucracy.

Our manufacturing industry is almost gone and with it, thousands of skilled jobs.

I say if we are in so much debt then we should stop paying the EU £45 million a day and invest these wasted billions. Instead use it to fund projects like rail, road and housing to create jobs.

Increase the tax-free personal allowance to £11,500, to make working worthwhile again.

We need to invest in our youth, so give students grants not loans so they will start work debt free.

Gordon Brown promised us no more boom and bust – whatever happened to that concept? We now have bust on a grand scale.

There are £45 million good reasons a day not to vote for any of the three failed parties.

Only UKIP has the policies to put Britain back on the road to prosperity.