Eight Labour Party members stood with me this morning to collect signatures in Stourport High Street. It was a bitter cold day, with a light flurry of snow and some winter sunshine. We were joined by a CWU Postal Service rep for the Petition to keep Stourport Postal Depot open and collected 23 signatures. We had 24 more signatures to add to others previously collected who oppose Tory plans to repeal the current Fox Hunting and Deer Hunting Ban, Hare Coursing, and the use of dogs. 22 people signed the Petition to restore Concessionary Bus Pass use before 9.30am in Wyre Forest. Finally, 48 people signed for more services at Kidderminster Hospital – for Radiotherapy, Birth and Palliative Care Units. I am grateful to LP members for helping and the people of Stourport for signing our Petitions – 117 in total collected in 1 hour!