Many may remember Beverley Craven back in the 90's when she won the Brit award for Best British Newcomer. They may have marvelled then at the qualities in the range and tone of her voice, the clarity of her diction and admired the quality of the songs that she wrote. If they managed to get tickets for her performance at the Bewdley Festival on Thursday night they would have realised that all of those qualities still remain.

She performed in a way that totally engaged with her audience. From the first moment when she delayed the start to encourage someone in the audience to take the mobile phone call, through sharing the events in her life which inspired her to write several of her songs, to her interaction with her band, Beverley exuded warmth and humour. She brought with her a group of superb musicians who evidently enjoyed working with her through the impressive back catalogue including classics such as "Woman to Woman", "Love Scenes" and "Promise me". She also introduced new songs from the recently released album, "Close to Me". From the single "Rainbows" to a song dedicated to her husband ("Mr Know-It-All"), and "Fun, Fun, Fun" inspired by (another of) her friend's confession of infidelity she showed the continuing quality of her creative art.

We are all the richer for her return following the time taken out to raise her family and beat breast cancer. This was a night I was glad not to have missed and another triumph for Bewdley Festival.