Several lucky year 4 pupils gained the chance to experience an exciting new occasion. They soon realised that playing violins and cellos was easier said than done! Nevertheless, they caught on quickly and were soon ready to face a vast audience at their professional performance at Symphony Hall, (Birmingham).

Even though they knew of the thrilling adventure that awaited them, they were still expectedly nervous. Here are some comments from the Year 4 stars: “When I was first told that I would be learning to play the violin I was shocked… very shocked because I thought the violin would be a challenge to play. At first it was easy to play the violin although it gradually got harder - we had to use the right fingers for the right notes and concentrate on our tricky task. I would certainly enjoy performing again because it was a breathtaking opportunity to remember.” explained Amy Breakwell when asked by another member of our team.

“I thought the hall would just look like a boring school hall but with comfy chairs, dull colours and a small stage. Instead there was a gigantic stage, lots of extravagant colours and even 3 balconies for spectators! I felt very nervous during the performance; the audience was huge, and their eyes were focusing on our instruments. However, I felt a bit excited because it was maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity. After our performance, I felt really proud of myself for entertaining our audience at a professional standard. I really enjoyed myself,” said Sam Turbutt, interviewed by one of our team members.

To conclude, the year 4 pupils pulled off a spectacular performance and they will undoubtedly be remembered for their triumph!