Riddle 1

I can see the people down below,

I can hear the wind howling at my face,

I can feel the people walking on me,

I can smell the fresh air all around me,

I have a sparkly and shining point at the top of my head,

I am very tall and I am taller than Mount Everest ,

I can remember when the first person climbed me,

I am afraid if the sun comes out and melts all of the snow,

I dream of being a bit taller so I can touch the clouds,

I do not understand why people walk on me.

Riddle 2

I am very tall,

I can see lots of bird nests,

I can smell manure being spread over the fields,

I am ancient and tired,

I am scared of falling down,

I can hear the cattle calling each other,

I can nearly touch the soft fluffy clouds,

I am rotten at the bottom.

Riddle 3

I hold lots of people sitting down,

I take people to their destination,

As I pass through the clouds, I remember my first ever take off,

I feel the wind brush past me,

I dream of an around the world trip.

Riddle 4

I can see nothing but darkness around me,

I can smell very old dust,

I have the face of the queen,

I am very sad, quiet and lonely,

I am afraid I will stay here forever on the floor,

I dream of being spent in a shop,

I don’t understand why they dropped me and left me here.