On May 14th Year 4 had a visit from two Indian teachers, their names were Dr. Bhavani Shankar (Head teacher) and Mrs Siverama Krishnan (Design and Technology Co- ordinator). They are teachers in a school in Chettinad Vidyasram We sat in a semi circle in our seats and were all ready to start and the first question was asked by Lucy "What age do the children start school and what age do they leave.?" The answer was amazing! Dr B said they start school at the age of two and a half and finish school when they are eighteen. There are 8,500 children in the school and 400 teachers!

Next Emily asked "What are the most popular school dinners?" Dr B said noodles with spices and super hot sauce!" Mrs S said pancakes with hot and spicy sauces were also popular.

We learnt lots of things about the Indian way of life and Mrs S even showed us how to put on a traditional sari worn by Indian girls. Before our visitors went home we gave them Burlish Bear to take back to India with them. We hope they will send us some photographs of Burlish Bear enjoying his travels. You never know he might get to ride an elephant!

Report by a Year 4 pupil.