A SPECIAL Back on Track sponsored walk last Sunday has generated more than £1,000 for the appeal.

About 40 walkers took part in the adapted Stourport circular walk which took in the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, Wyre Forest Golf Centre, Burlish Top Nature Reserve, the riverbank and the town.

The route was just over six miles, with the opportunity to reduce the distance to two or four miles.

Organiser Mark Harradine, chairman of Stourport Hockey Club, said: "It went really well and I was very pleased with the response. It was a beautiful morning and everyone enjoyed themselves."

He added the age of the walkers ranged from three-year-olds to people in their late 60s and everyone "mixed together" and got along.

He explained it was encouraging to see some new faces with a "core" of hockey club members joined by members of the public.

Mr Harradine said he had anticipated the route would be muddy due to recent rainfall but there were no problems at all during the morning.

He said: "The best bit was how pretty the riverside was looking. Down by the river was as beautiful as I have ever seen it."

He believed that some of the scenery they passed during the walk could be compared to anywhere in the world.

He added: "A lot of people didn't know this existed so locally. I think the walk really opened people's eyes to what we have in our own backyard."

Mr Harradine said the appeal was getting close to its target and he was pleased by the contribution made by the walkers.

He added: "I think people appreciated the opportunity to get out and do some exercise and, at the same time, play their part in helping the appeal."