YET another packed year for the art department!

Mrs Skelding and Mrs Richards organised a Catch-up Art Club which met every evening after school, apart from Wednesdays.

Lots of students elected to attend and their enthusiasm was very encouraging - no doubt helped by the lollies and biscuits handed out to stave off hunger pangs!

In March, years 10 and 11 art students had a visit from Mrs Richards' son who talked to them about illustration as a career. He told his audience what the job entailed and how to get started, making a link with the work of fantasy illustrators being studied by year 10.

The art department is hoping to make similar, work-related links with the fashion design industry in the future.

"This way, the students can actually see the impact their study of art can have on their future," explained Mrs Skelding.

Like many staff, the art department has also been planning the move of the art rooms. The hard grind of packing up years' worth of accumulated detritus was balanced, however, by the joy of choosing new equipment, work stations and storage facilities.