As an avid follower of Countryfile, I was really looking forward to Adam’s presentation and am pleased to say that I, and I hope others in the audience, were not disappointed. For me, Adam came across as “sincere” in real life as he does on TV.

When Adam started his presentation on his family and work life you were immediately drawn in to his stage presence and it was good to see the person behind the presenter.

The overriding thing that came across was his passion for his lifestyle and the closeness of his family, in particular his relationship with his father.

Adam spoke very clearly and fluently, but he was rather fast in his speech. This may have been because he had such a lot to say in the time.

I think everyone had their eyes opened when Adam was talking about his family’s passion for rare breeds, the diversity that farmers have had to undertake to continue in agriculture and to be profitable.

Of particular note was the advancement in the use of technology on the farm to ensure limited wastage and profitability. Adam also talked about the relationship between farming and the environment and it was pleasing to note that Adam is as enthusiastic about protecting the environment as he is about his farming.

Although the evening was entertainment and not a promotional tour, I am sure that one would receive a warm welcome at his animal farm and I would have no hesitation in taking my daughter.

It was interesting to hear that Adam’s name is now used as a marketing tool for a number of products – the challenges that farmers have had to face mean that all avenues of diversity have to be looked at to remain successful in the agriculture community.

The “Question and Answer” session that took place after the presentation, I thought was particularly successful.

Although the audience seemed to be of an older age group of Country File devotees, Adam’s presentation was equally acceptable to a younger audience.

In particular, Adam showed a slide of “Eric The Bull” with himself alongside – one would have to argue as to who was the finer beast!!A Stunning Evening.

By Paula Parker – a Bewdley Festival Newbee