I first saw Fascinating Aida sitting on a fold away chair in a basement club in North London in the mid 1980’s.

Now in their 28th year, FA continue to be irreverent, funny, clever, rude, witty, sexy and above all always entertaining.

Dillie Keane founded FA in 1983 and was joined by Adele Anderson the following year.

Since then they have been partnered by eight sopranos, the latest being the lovely Sarah-Louise Young.

Recently they have become a YouTube sensation with “Cheap Flights”, a wonderful dig at Ryan Airways (although they are not mentioned by name everybody knows who they are referring to) who offer flights for 50p but actually cost a whole lot more.

They have had approaching 8 million hits for the two versions of the song on YouTube and last Wednesday the song was one of the highlights of the 2011 Festival. As Dillie Keane said “they have gone fungal!”

Their new show is really up to date with references to Paul McCartney’s recent wedding and of course Dr Liam Fox.

No one is safe from FA with mentions of Tony Blair, Tracey Emin, Heston’s Little Chef, Justin Bieber, Tesco saves and Cheryl Cole.

Another FA standard is “So Long As You Are German” sung in the slightly out of tune style of Marlene Dietrich and a second YouTube favourite with over 1 million hits “Dogging” which received a great reaction from the gentle folk of Bewdley.

The finale was a special song about Bewdley, with reference to the supermarkets Coop and Coop, which they made up that afternoon.

Someone said afterwards that they ached from laughing so much during the show.

It seems that Bewdley loves Fascinating Aida and FA love Bewdley. If you weren’t there you missed a brilliant evening delivered by Bewdley Festival!